• Homepage banner image. Text on image says Trust A&W. Recycling services focused on your future.

A & W Iron Metal is now hiring!

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Home Owner & Small Loads

Whether you’re in the midst of a big remodeling project, or simply want to recycle old items in an environmentally sound way, we’re here to help.

Connected to Our Community

We are committed to helping our community get greener, as well as doing our part to improve the quality of life for our fellow Wisconsin residents.

Raise Money with A&W

Raise money for your school, scout troop or church, while helping the planet. Whatever the cause, A&W is here to help you go green!

Large Industrial & Business

A&W offers generous payouts for iron, copper and more by the pound. We have a history of building longterm relationships with our customers.


Proud Community Member

We pride ourselves on being an active part of our community, and a member of the following organizations.

HIRING: You're essential here. Start your career with A&W.

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